Lawyer Well-Being: Your best work and life starts with your best you!

A Wake Up Call for the Legal Community
“The legal profession is at a crossroads. Our members, our colleagues, our friends are suffering. It is our duty as lawyers and human beings to help.”
-Bob Carlson, Past President, American Bar Association

Recent studies by the ABA and others reveal that too many lawyers experience chronic stress, social alienation, work addiction, sleep deprivation, high rates of depression and substance use and increased suicide. These findings are incompatible with a sustainable legal profession, and they raise troubling implications for many lawyers’ basic competence.

Recent studies by the ABA and others reveal that too many lawyers experience chronic stress, social alienation, work addiction, sleep deprivation, high rates of depression and substance use and increased suicide. These findings are incompatible with a sustainable legal profession, and they raise troubling implications for many lawyers’ basic competence.
Lawyers are 3.6 times more likely to suffer
from depression than non-lawyers
Legal industry has the 8th highest incidence of suicide
among profession
“The Path To Lawyer Well-Being” prepared by The National Task Force for Lawyer Well-Being.
The benefits of increased lawyer well-being are compelling and the cost of lawyer impairment are too great to ignore. The recommendations revolve around five core steps intended to build a more sustainable culture:
- Identifying stakeholders and the role that each of us can play in reducing the level of toxicity in our profession.
- Ending the stigma surrounding help-seeking behaviors.
- Emphasizing that well-being is an indispensable part of a lawyer’s duty of competence.
- Expanding educational outreach and programming on well-being issues.
- Changing the tone of the profession one small step
at a time.
The benefits of increased lawyer well-being are compelling and the cost of lawyer impairment are too great to ignore. The recommendations revolve around five core steps intended to build a more sustainable culture:
- Identifying stakeholders and the role that each of us can play in reducing the level of toxicity in our profession.
- Ending the stigma surrounding help-seeking behaviors.
- Emphasizing that well-being is an indispensable part of a lawyer’s duty of competence.
- Expanding educational outreach and programming on well-being issues.
- Changing the tone of the profession one small step
at a time.

Components of Well-Being
Improved Well-Being will result in:
- Becoming an Employer of choice
- Retaining Best Talent
- Reducing Turnover costs
- Increased focus, engagement, connection

Components of Well-Being
Improved Well-Being will result in:
- Becoming an Employer of choice
- Retaining Best Talent
- Reducing Turnover costs
- Increased focus, engagement, connection
A Practical, Research-Based Approach to Improve Lawyer Well-Being
- Based on positive psychology, leadership development, neuroscience, adult development theory, 12-step programs, and philosophy.
- Develop personalized practices to enhance your mental, emotional, and physical well-being
- Well-Being Journey is tailored to meet the culture of the organization as well as the individual
- Well-Being programs targeted at the judiciary, regulators, legal employers, law schools, bar associations, and lawyer assistance programs.
- Assessments
- Jumpstart
- Self-Paced Online Learning
- Tailored Offerings for Administrative Staff, Associates, and Partners
- Coaching
- Action Plans
Client Testimonial
“Mintz is committed to improving and maintaining the Well-Being of all employees of our firm. The Ask What Matters workshops are engaging, interactive, and informative-providing pragmatic tools that can be utilized immediately. Their approach to total Well-Being illustrates the importance of asking ourselves “what matters?” often, to notice if the answer aligns with how we’re living, or if there are opportunities for improvement.”
-Laureen Cappello, Director of Human Resources at Mintz.

Lawyers Have Heart Well-Being Initiative
Ask What Matters?! has joined forces with the American Heart Association to improve the health and Well-Being of the legal profession. We will be giving a percentage of all fees generated in the legal profession to the American Heart Association’s Lawyers Have Heart Campaign.

Lawyers Have Heart Well-Being Initiative
Ask What Matters?! has joined forces with the American Heart Association to improve the health and Well-Being of the legal profession. We will be giving a percentage of all fees generated in the legal profession to the American Heart Association’s Lawyers Have Heart Campaign.