“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” – Mae West
Ask What Matters?! offers a range of consulting, coaching, and training programs focused on increasing Well-Being and performance. Individuals develop the skills to live a fully engaged life of purpose, health, and connection. The organization creates a climate for co-creating and maintaining a sustainable work culture that fosters emotional, physical and mental Well-Being.

Engages all members and levels of the organization
Executives – Establishing the linkage between well-being and sustainable business performance and the leadership behaviors that promote a culture of Well-Being.
Leaders – Leaders foster a high performance, sustainable, and inspired climate by modeling Well-Being behavior, regularly incorporating the topic of Well-Being in conversations with individuals and teams, and recognizing the early signs of burnout in their people
All Employees – Identification and development of personal practices, habits, and tools to promote and enhance emotional, physical, and mental Well-Being at work, a home, in life!

Engages all members and levels of the organization
Executives – Establishing the linkage between well-being and sustainable business performance and the leadership behaviors that promote a culture of Well-Being.
Leaders – Leaders foster a high performance, sustainable, and inspired climate by modeling Well-Being behavior, regularly incorporating the topic of Well-Being in conversations with individuals and teams, and recognizing the early signs of burnout in their people
All Employees – Identification and development of personal practices, habits, and tools to promote and enhance emotional, physical, and mental Well-Being at work, a home, in life!
Is a Journey and happens over time
Wake-up – Discover the imperative for signing on to the Well-Being journey. Identify where you are and where you want to go.
Inform – Get up to speed with the Ask What Matters?! research-based roadmap of Well-Being practices and mindsets.
Engage – Bring the learning into the real world, your world with all of its challenges and complexities.
Sustain – The Well-Being journey is not a linear path, navigating the course requires regularly using tools and resources to help you thrive

Is a Journey and happens over time
Wake-up – Discover the imperative for signing on to the Well-Being journey. Identify where you are and where you want to go.
Inform – Get up to speed with the Ask What Matters?! research-based roadmap of Well-Being practices and mindsets.
Engage – Bring the learning into the real world, your world with all of its challenges and complexities.
Sustain – The Well-Being journey is not a linear path, navigating the course requires regularly using tools and resources to help you thrive

Is based on a simple proven model
The Ask What Matters?! Framework for Total Well-being is relevant and applied holistically at work, a home, in life! Our research-based method is simple by design. but not always easy to incorporate in today’s fast-paced environment. Ask What Matters?! framework of five practices and five mindsets is a human operating system for the 21st Century based on positive psychology, leadership development, neuroscience, adult development theory, 12-step programs, and philosophy.

Is based on a simple proven model
The Ask What Matters?! Framework for Total Well-being is relevant and applied holistically at work, a home, in life! Our research-based method is simple by design. but not always easy to incorporate in today’s fast-paced environment. Ask What Matters?! framework of five practices and five mindsets is a human operating system for the 21st Century based on positive psychology, leadership development, neuroscience, adult development theory, 12-step programs, and philosophy.